One on One Coaching

Coaching may be of interest to you if you have a lot of questions about health, wellness, emotions, mental health and how all of this really comes together regarding your specific concerns.


  • Discussions about health and wellness topics in general,  and how you may better understand your health and lifestyle choices.  

  • A way to gain deeper understanding so you can better advocate for your own care or the care of a loved one. 


  • A medical consultation 

  • A substitute for your own physician and health care system

  • A way to get around the system to get what you want

  • A billable consultation to be submitted for reimbursement

  • Establishment of a doctor/patient relationship

The various offerings listed here are all coaching sessions, they are NOT TELEMEDICINE CONSULTATIONS. 

When using coaching with Dr. Louder, you agree that this is not a medical consultation or appointment. These sessions are for your education and well being. 


If your health journey seems elusive, or you have experienced a lot of treatments and yet you feel stuck, then this type of coaching may be what you are seeking. On occasion, a diagnosis is not what it seems, or you are just not finding what is actually “wrong with you.” All the while understanding what is right with you seems equally elusive. If this is your experience, then an intuitive coaching session may be right for you. It’s always beneficial to learn about the innate healing of the body and understand your own internal wisdom for health and wellness.


Individual Coaching

Identifying and understanding the influence of our emotions on our health is vital for our healing at all levels.

Sometimes, we get stuck and need insight or another perspective. The Self Care and Connection ™coaching tool is specifically used to help you identify your emotions and how to navigate them or even heal them, thus helping you heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


Obtaining an objective second opinion regarding a challenging diagnosis or difficult treatment options may be needed when there are various medical specialist opinions, yet no clear communication amongst them and to you as a patient. Having a trusted second opinion regarding your diagnosis and treatment options can be vital to your success and healing. Once you are scheduled, we will give you instructions regarding what documents and medical records are needed and how to securely upload them for review.


Telemedicine is a way to connect with Dr. Louder in a formal doctor - patient relationship. In these appointments, you can expect a similar experience to an office visit, only takes place in a private and secure internet telemedicine connection.

There are some screening and qualifying steps; therefore, please contact Dr. Louder if you are considering this type of appointment. Dr. Louder does not accept insurance and this is considered a cash, direct care practice. Patients/clients continue with their current physician/provider and utilize Dr. Louder’s vast experience as an integrative physician via telemedicine at the same time.

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